Our client, Pittsburgh Regional Transit, is the most used public transportation system in Pittsburgh, which means that the majority of people who live in Pittsburgh depend on PRT’s services for commuting around the local area. However, due to COVID-19 outbreak, it recently had an incremental shortage in services over the past several months in response to worker shortage problems. As a result of worker and service shortage, there has been an increase in customer complaints, addressing the need for use in technology to enhance current experience in using PRT's services.
Existing Conditions
Before going in depth with how the services are currently being provided, our team looked into client's brand identity and core values to align with client's vision and goal as a public transportation system.
Current Visual System of PRT
Our client focuses on providing safe, reliable and affordable public transportation throughout the community. Through usage of bold and crisp design elements, the brand image reflected on Pittsburgh Regional Transit's friendly and dependable identity to the public.
After looking into client's visual system, our team started to research in depth to understand our client's context; we noticed that Pittsburgh Regional Transit had two areas that already had implementation of technology: mobile app and bus stop.
Current mobile platform flow
Ready2Ride an app that Pittsburgh Regional Transit originally developed which allows the passengers to purchase bus fares and receive help from the staff of PRT for additional assistance. Unfortunately, there are some bugs and complexity in how to use Ready2Ride, so a lot of people do not use the app to purchase bus fares and instead depend more on bus fare kiosks.
Current bus stop condition
Another existing condition that we looked into is the bus stop. Originally there was an interactive screen, but now it is covered as a poster with QR Code. Our team thought that this was an opportunity to reutilize the interactive screen as part of redesigned PRT experience through voice assistance because our team felt the need to implement an accessible tool for people to use at the bus stop.
User Interview
After looking into existing conditions of Pittsburgh Regional Transit's operation, our team conducted several interviews with people who currently use public transportation in Pittsburgh on a daily basis. Through interviews with five daily commuters, two disabled passengers, and one bus driver, we were able to identify common frustrations and current bus operation issues that needed to be resolved.
“ There is a feeling of hopelessness when the bus doesn’t arrive on time.”
- Commuter who uses PRT to go to work
“ It is so difficult to find a place to buy a bus pass.”
- Student new to the area
“ It says the bus is coming on the app but doesn’t show up.”
- Educator who uses PRT to travel around local area
“ It’s hard to grab bus driver’s attention when the stop button doesn’t work.”
-Disabled commuter who uses PRT on daily basis